The term Ayurveda is comprised of two words Ayu (life) and Veda (knowledge, science), and deals with health and wellbeing. The term Ayurveda is not limited to medicine, cure or therapy, rather it implies an approach to life and living.
Main Aim of Ayurveda is to maintenance and promotion of health and second prevention of disease and cure of sickness.
The therapeutic principles of Ayurveda focus on Prakriti and Tridoshas, and these principles explain that every individual has his unique constitution called as Prakriti. Prakriti determines the characteristic response of each individual to medications, environmental conditions and dietary factors.
Considering the bodily constitution, pathological history, the Dosha characteristics, life style and environmental conditions in an individual's routine life style, Ayurveda has many treatment strategies for promoting well-being to individuals.

Treatment of the disease consists in avoiding causative factors responsible for disequilibrium of the body matrix or of any of its constituent parts through the use of Panchkarma procedures, medicines, suitable diet, activity and regimen for restoring the balance and strengthening the body mechanisms to prevent or minimize re-occurrence of the disease. Ayurveda diagnosis and treatment of disease is always individual to each patient. The physician takes a careful note of the patients internal physiological characteristics and mental disposition.

Ayurveda not only consist plant based medicine but also use minerals and animal based products, and the above based principles of doctrine, Ayurveda has achieved its widespread acceptance globally.

Normally treatment measures involve use of medicines, specific diet and prescribed activity routine.
 Six major treatment modalities in Ayurveda are:
Shodhana therapy (Purification Treatment);  
Shamana therapy (Palliative Treatment, internal medication);  
Rasayana therapy (use of immuno-modulators and rejuvenation medicines).
 Pathya Vyavastha (Prescription of diet and activity);
 Nidan Parivarjan (Avoidance of disease causing and aggravating factors);
 Satvavajaya (Psychotherapy)

Being a part of health-care delivery system, the time has come to reanalyze the system of health management and look back at the philosophy of prevention and preservation as the first step to the treatment. In this Scenario Ayurveda has promising result to preservation of health, prevention of disease and help to bring down the prevalence of many diseases which ultimately reducing health-care burden and provide good health care to community.

Vision :
To provide good and sustain health care to patients through Ayurveda Treatment
Integration  to treat chronic and newly emerging diseases, and to improve quality of life of patients, so as to bring down  health service burden.


AIIMS Rajkot